Dehydrated Skin: How It Can Disfigure Your Face

The first question you may have is, what is dehydrated skin, and is it the same as having dry skin? The answer is no. Dehydrated skin is not the same as dry skin. Dry skin is a skin type where the skin lacks oilDehydrated skin is a temporary condition where the skin lacks water. While your skin type is something that you may be born with via genetics, a skin condition may be brought on by other factors. 

Causes of Skin Dehydration and the Damage it Could Do

Do not confuse "being" dehydrated with "having" dehydrated skin. The type of dehydration that we are discussing here is surface dehydration of the skin, one that cannot be fixed by drinking more water. Although it is very important to drink water in any case, the condition of skin dehydration may be brought on by various factors that may include the environment, such as space heaters, indoor heating, the sun, the wind, cold air, skincare products that strip the skin, and your diet including any medications that you are taking. Constant exposure to any of these conditions can disrupt the skin's natural protective barrier, and can leave the skin unprotected and susceptible to premature aging and irreversible damage! 

It is the skin's natural production of sebum, an oily, waxy matter, that helps to prevent surface dehydration as well as protects the skin from fungal and bacterial infections by, respectively, sealing in moisture/water in the skin and by creating a protective layer over the skin. When the skin is no longer protected, dry air will suck water/moisture right from the skin, making the condition even worse.  When the skin is dehydrated it may look dull and feel very tight and dry. It may also look crepey. Dry air environments can be found during the winter from indoor heating and in dry geographical climates. Humidity levels below 30% are of greater concern when the skin has become dehydrated.

Fix it-and-Fix it Fast

Anyone's skin can get dehydrated, and it can be a temporary condition. Although it is easy to treat and fix dehydrated skin, it is not always obvious what is causing the condition; but the key is to find out what is causing it as soon as humanly possible. Whatever you feel is causing your skin to become dehydrated, it is important to eliminate those circumstances right away. Dehydrated skin for too long may cause irreversible damage to your skin and may age you well beyond your years. When your skin is in this state, it is important to refrain from exfoliating scrubs and harsh chemicals, this could damage your skin while in this state. The effects can be disfiguring and can age you up to 20 years or more in a relatively short period of time if the problem is not corrected. The early signs of dehydrated skin may be dull and dry looking skin. More advanced stages of dehydrated skin may cause dark under eye circles, broken capillaries, puffy face, eczema, rosacea, permanent loss of elasticity, wrinkles, enlarged pores and leathery skin. *

If you have a skin condition that you do not know the cause, seek the advice of a dermatologist right away. Never hesitate to get a second opinion if you feel it to be necessary. 

Time to Heal

Once you have identified the source that is causing your dehydrated skin, and that source has been removed, it is now time to heal. To speed up the healing process, honey is an amazing healer of the skin. Try using raw or Manuka honey to help heal your skin. Honey is a humectant that attracts moisture to the skin. Also try a rich emollient moisturizer may be very helpful in soothing the skin and in protecting it from further damage. Shea butter works very well for this, and is great to use in the winter to protect your skin from the wind and from dry indoor heat. Before applying the shea butter or emollient cream, make sure that the skin is slightly damp. This will help to seal in water that the skin is lacking and will help your skin to feel better. While your skin is still healing, you may have to repeat this process throughout the day, as your skin's dryness will rapidly suck up the added moisture. Depending on how long your skin has been dehydrated, it may take a long time for your skin's natural ability to protect itself to be restored. It could take weeks, months or even years. If your condition has not gotten to the point of disfigurement, then it may only take a few weeks or months. Try our skintonics Argan Oil to help restore and maintain elasticity in your skin.

*Has this ever happened to you? What caused it?  Please share your story.

If you have dry or dehydrated skin, try our Butter Skin Kit!

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