my story

Peach & Plum Skin Co. was conceived in 2009 after my skin had become severely dehydrated, resulting in damage to my skin and disfigurement of my face that sent me into severe major depression. I searched high and low for answers online but the answers I found and tried only caused even more damage. I searched for products to help reverse some of the damage, but nothing worked, not even the natural products. Unfortunately, by the time I discovered what was causing my skin damage, a lot of the damage was irreversible. I want to create awareness so that no one would ever have to go through what I went through, which was a very dark period in my life. 

We make products that are gentle for the skin and pose no risk to health, or to the health of skin. There are many products on the market that have a lot of added ingredients that do nothing more than preserve the product's shelf life and offer no benefit to you, and may even be detrimental. Our products have the simplest, mildest ingredients and have no synthetic preservatives. 

We want you to love our products and your skin.